Analog Publish GitHub Pages
When I migrated my personal website/blog to use AnalogJS, I created a GitHub Action which simplifies the deployment at GitHub Pages.

When I migrated my personal website/blog to use AnalogJS, I created a GitHub Action which simplifies the deployment at GitHub Pages.
Since April 2023, I am actively maintaining and evolving the vue3-openlayers library — An OpenLayers Wrapper for Vue3.
Easily use lorem ipsum dummy texts in your angular app
Add a PostRenderer plugin for Mermaid.js graphs, charts and diagrams embedded in Markdown files.
Create exportable code reviews in Visual Studio Code including automatic file and line references
Simply add and configure commitlint, husky, commitizen and standard-version for your Angular project by using Angular Schematics
I collected all my .bash, .zsh, .vscode, .vim, macOS, homebrew and iterm configuration files in one repository for easily setup a new macOS system with a great developer experience.
This plugin for Scully will insert a table of contents (TOC) for your Markdown content automatically
Generate file trees from your VS Code Explorer for different Markdown, LaTeX, ASCII or a userdefined format
My module angular-tag-cloud-module lets you generate word clouds / tag clouds for your Angular app