Meine Projekte

Analog Publish GitHub Pages

When I migrated my personal website/blog to use AnalogJS, I created a GitHub Action which simplifies the deployment at GitHub Pages.

Maintainer: vue3-openlayers

Since April 2023, I am actively maintaining and evolving the vue3-openlayers library — An OpenLayers Wrapper for Vue3.


Easily use lorem ipsum dummy texts in your angular app

scully-plugin-mermaid — A PostRenderer Plugin for Mermaid

Add a PostRenderer plugin for Mermaid.js graphs, charts and diagrams embedded in Markdown files.

vscode-code-review — Create exportable code reviews in vscode

Create exportable code reviews in Visual Studio Code including automatic file and line references

ngx-semantic-version — An Angular Schematic to enhance your release workflow

Simply add and configure commitlint, husky, commitizen and standard-version for your Angular project by using Angular Schematics

.dotfiles — My default configuration files for macOS

I collected all my .bash, .zsh, .vscode, .vim, macOS, homebrew and iterm configuration files in one repository for easily setup a new macOS system with a great developer experience.

scully-plugin-toc — A Plugin for generating table of contents

This plugin for Scully will insert a table of contents (TOC) for your Markdown content automatically

vscode-file-tree-to-text-generator — A Visual Studio Code Extension to generate file trees

Generate file trees from your VS Code Explorer for different Markdown, LaTeX, ASCII or a userdefined format

angular-tag-cloud-module — Generated word clouds for your Angular app

My module angular-tag-cloud-module lets you generate word clouds / tag clouds for your Angular app